C02 compensated website

GoingSightseeing.com are proud to announce that our website is CO2 compensated, ensuring that your experience with us are as eco-friendly as possible.

Immerse yourself in the rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant culture of Copenhagen while leaving behind as little carbon footprint as possible.

How much CO2 does a website produce?

An average website produces about 5 grams of CO2 for every page view. For websites that have an average of 10,000 page views per month, that makes about 500 kilograms of CO2 per year. GoingSightseeing believe that we as programmers and owners are responsible to reduce the carbon footprint of our website.

Can I do anything as a tourist?

Yes - You can also help reducing your CO2 footprint by walking instead of going by a bus or car. 

A bus produces about 110 grams of CO2 for every kilometer per person, and if you drive 20 kilometers it comes to 2200 grams of CO2. (If the bus is electric you can save up to 50-80% CO2)

So by walking a sightseeing tour instead of taking a bus you can save the environment for a lot of CO2.

Example: 2 person going sightseeing for about 30 sights:

Using GoingSightseeing.com info and card by a phone, and take the tour by foot: 150 grams CO2 

Using a bus, that have to drive a little bit longer, cause it cannot go in a direct line: 4400 grams CO2 

Projects GoingSightseeing.com support

GoingSightseeing.com compensate

with 1 Ton Co2   d.kr. 250,- in year 2024 - Meaning with this contribution, Klimaskov Fonden will raise more forests in Denmark that absorb CO2. Klimaskov Fonden guarantees that the effect will be achieved within a maximum of 100 years.
